
The Fenian

The political turmoil in Ireland that would mark the 19th century actually began in the 1790s, when a revolutionary organization, the United Irishmen, began to organize. Leaders of the organization, most notably Theobald Wolfe Tone, met with Napoleon Bonaparte in revolutionary France, seeking help in overthrowing British rule in Ireland.

Exhibit Info

In 1798 armed rebellions broke out across Ireland, and French troops actually landed and battled the British Army before being defeated and surrendering. The 1798 Uprising was put down brutally, with hundreds of Irish patriots hunted down, tortured, and executed. Theobald Wolfe Tone was captured and sentenced to death, and became a martyr to Irish patriots.

The Fenian Brotherhood was an Irish republican organization founded in the United States in 1858 by John O’ Mahony and Michael Doheny.[It was a precursor to Clan na Gael, a sister organization to the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Members were commonly known as “Fenians”. O’Mahony, who was a Celtic scholar, named his organization after the Fianna, the legendary band of Irish warriors led by Fionn mac Cumhaill.

The above quotations inspired me to research that period. Time was spent at the National Museum of Ireland and Collins Barracks Dublin. Advice on clothing was also obtained from the dressmakers at The Abbey Theatre. The pike is modelled on one of the few remaining pike held at Collins barracks.  A great deal of time was spent in the above Institutions and I would like to record my thanks to all who helped. My grateful thanks to Lar Joyce, Collins Barracks, The staff at The National Museum and the ladies at The Abbey Threatre. My special thanks to those who dressed me in period costume and allowed photographs to be taken whilst dressed in period costume. Only the Irish would accommodate a wayward artist with such genuine courtsy.

This piece is life sized and its height is five foot ten inches. It is a one off production and an artist proof copy. No further copies will be made of this item and the copyright has been registered.

This major piece has been purchased by Middleton Town Council and will be displayed in front of The Court House, adjacent to the main shopping centre. 

Please watch this space for unveiling details.