
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dapibus mauris at porta ultrices. Etiam vel est nec diam rutrum tristique.

Nam porttitor neque sed ultrices finibus. Praesent venenatis rutrum ipsum, vel malesuada ipsum sollicitudin eu. Morbi placerat sapien ut eleifend varius. Nunc est dolor, tempus et accumsan fringilla, sagittis et tellus.



SculptureThe Gentle Lady - Margaret Private commission Commissioned by Margaret Leonnard.Exhibit Info Payment for this item subsidised the two...

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Mise Eire

Mise Eire

SculptureMise Eire Female figure depicting Eire from folklore. Complex bust with a hidden twist. Exhibit Info Female figure depicting Eire from...

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Cullins Yard Collection

Cullins Yard Collection

SculptureCullins Yard Collection The figures are designed to wither and decay over time. They have started to do so and can be viewed in the grounds...

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Irish Flanders

Irish Flanders

SculptureIrish Flanders This is dedicated to The Irish Regiments and the soldier of those regiments who made the supreme sacrifice. The outer...

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Fix Bayonets

Fix Bayonets

SculptureFix Bayonets Bust of a first world war soldier. The soldier is fixing his bayonet prior to going over the top... He is aware that he is...

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SculptureTrafalgar Bust of a seafarer. One has to look at the expression on his face. He could be a gunner. He could be a deck hand. He sees the...

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The Blacksmiths Daughter

The Blacksmiths Daughter

SculptureThe Blacksmiths Daughter The inspiration for this piece came from observing this young girl. Initially she was standing outside her father’...

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SculptureAgincourt The Battle of Agincourt was a major English victory in the Hundred Years War. The battle occurred on Friday, 25 October 1415...

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The Somme

The Somme

SculptureThe Somme The inspiration for this piece came from unpublished sepia photographs seen in Saint George’s Chapel at Ypres. The photograph...

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The Siege of Limerick

The Siege of Limerick

SculptureThe Siege of Limerick This piece was commissioned by the Keane Family. It depicts a lady looking out from the walls of Limerick. The viewer...

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The Innishman

The Innishman

SculptureThe Innishman Sculpture Depicting a fisherman from the Arran Islands. The piece was created from photographs, sketches and drawings from...

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The Fenian

The Fenian

SculptureThe Fenian The political turmoil in Ireland that would mark the 19th century actually began in the 1790s, when a revolutionary...

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I’d love to hear from you whether you are interested in my sculptures. John Toomey.
Thomond Gate, Beach Road, St Margarets Bay, CT15 6DZ
07751 184 094

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